Post-doctoral position in Pharmaceutical Sciences or Pharmacology applied to drug delivery

Post-doctoral position in Pharmaceutical Sciences or Pharmacology applied to drug delivery

INSERM U1100 – Tours, France (starting as soon as possible)

12-months (renewable) post-doctoral position in
Pharmaceutical Sciences or Pharmacology applied to drug delivery
INSERM U1100 – Tours, France (starting as soon as possible)


We are seeking a highly motivated and talented individual to join our research group as a Postdoctoral Fellow. The selected PhD in life or pharmaceutical sciences will work with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and in a collaborative intersectoral environment (collaboration with a French biotech). The candidate will apply his/her expertise to develop inhaled drugs and study their biological activity in different experimental models (in vitro and in vivo studies).

This person will be responsible for hands-on studies and it is expected he/she will already have significant training and skill in pharmacology and animal experiments. The successful candidate will have a strong background in pharmaceutical sciences or pharmacology, and microbiology and an interest in drug delivery. This person will enjoy working collaboratively, and should have the ability to independently design and execute experiments. He/she will be in charge of experiment design, experiment implementation, scientific report and communications.


  • A Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences or pharmacology
  • Training for animal experiments is mandatory
  • Experience in microbiology is preferred
  • Experience of public-private partnership and working through confidentiality would be valuable
  • Track record of innovative research and scientific publications/patents
  • Excellent organizational, interpersonal and oral communication skills
  • An ability to be productive and successful in an intense work environment
  • Oral and written English skills are required

Good salary and benefits package offered.


COUNTERACT is co-funded for 49 million euros by the European Defence Fund and aims to set up pre-clinical and clinical studies on the safety and efficiency of medical countermeasures targeting NRBC-type threats (nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical).


• Develop and mature four types of medical countermeasures, for which two will aim to achieve the stage of application for authorization to place the products on the market by the European medicines Agency;

• Promote EU independence in the development and production of countermeasures against NRBC threats by establishing a European network of sustainable industries, research laboratories, research bodies and clinical centers, aiming to achieve a flexible and efficient umbrella structure for the health sector targeting defense;

• Draw up a road map for the development of the future generation of medical countermeasures against current and future threats, simplify the process for obtaining market authorizations, guarantee independent EU supply chains and prepare storage and deployment strategies.

The postdoctoral researcher at CEPR/Inserm U1100 will develop countermeasures against biological threats, in particular respiratory pathogens.



Team 3 “Aerosol therapy and Biotherapeutics for Respiratory Diseases” of CEPR/INSERM U1100 is affiliated with INSERM (French institute of biomedical research) and the Faculty of Medicine of Tours, France. It is a multidisciplinary and health-technology oriented team, focusing on the delivery of biopharmaceuticals through the airways for treating respiratory diseases. Other teams of INSERM U1100 deals with lung immunity, microbiology and pharmacology. Please visit our website, for more information.

The project is included in a research grant program funded by the EU (Counteract)

Starting date: asap


Please send your cover letter and resume to: and 

Team 3 “Aerosol therapy and biotherapeutics for respiratory diseases”

Research Centre for Respiratory Diseases (CEPR), INSERM U1100

Faculty of Medicine, Tours - France