Cell and tissue analyses

Cell and tissue analyses

Cellular and tissue analyses combine histology, imaging and cytometry activities.


Copyright : Christelle Rossignol


The PIXANIM platform (Phenotyping by In / eX vivo Imaging from Animal to Molecule) is an experimental and analytical platform. PIXANIM enables animal phenotyping and functional exploration, from the whole animal to the molecule. PIXANIM is ISO 9001 certified, IBISA labeled and member of the Institut Carnot France Futur Elevage. 2D / 3D in- / ex-vivo imaging with a set of technologies that can range from the whole animal to the molecule and can be combined with each other.

Equipment : IRM 3 Teslas, CT scan offering 128 sections, a Kratoscope, a doppler ultrasound station, a dual color endomicroscope and an image intensifier.      

Location : Nouzilly

Contact : pixanim@inrae.fr,

Website and social networks : https://twitter.com/PIXANIM1


Imaging and infectiology laboratory. Using imaging technologies, IMI contributes to the development of animal models of infectious diseases. 

Small animal imaging: fluorescence and bioluminescence analysis in vivo on anesthetized animal, ex vivo on organs, in vitro on cells (kinetics of cellular cooperation); experimental protocols for mice, poultry, which may involve class 2 or 3 pathogens; on-demand: development of methodological tools and study models.

Equipment : IVIS SpectrumTM 2D et 3D Optical Tomography System (PerkinElmer). Containments A2 L2, A3 L3.

Contact : isabelle.lantier@inrae.fr


Copyright : Isabelle Lantier

Confocal microscope and light sheet: organ transparency either by Disco or Clarity techniques; organ immunostaining of the size equivalent to mouse organs.

Equipment : level 2 containment ; confocal microscope SP8, Leica, Lens : 20x, 25x,40x, 63x et 100x ; Diodes 405 nm, 561nm, Laser argon 458, 476, 488,

 496, 514 et HeNe 633 ; Thermostatic culture chamber / CO2 ; "DLS" suystem (Digital Light Sheet) adapted to the confocal microscope.

Contact : christelle.rossignol@inrae.fr


Copyright : Christelle Rossignol

Histology: treatment of infectious or non-infectious animal tissues using conventional histology techniques (fixed tissues impregnated with paraffin, frozen tissues); making histological sections; classic colorings; on-demand tissue immunohistochemistry; readings and images taken under the microscope.

Equipment : level 2 containment ; TP1020 paraffin impregnation machine, LEICA; Inclusion table in paraffin TS99, MEDITE, Tech-Inter; Microtome RM2235, LEICA; Vibratome 1200S, LEICA; Cryomicrotome CM3050S, LEICA; Binocular magnifier C-PS-160, Nikon; Eclipse 80i NIKON microscope (fluorescence and brightfield).

Contact : christelle.rossignol@inrae.fr


Copyright : Christelle Rossignol

Cytometry laboratory: Multi-fluorescence analysis and sorting.

Equipment : level 2 containment; MoFlo Astrios high speed cell sorter under PSM; 4 lasers and 12 fluorescences; Separation of 6 cell populations simultaneously, recovery in tubes (all formats) or microplates, cloning possible; Sorting speed up to 70,000 cells / second; Samples from 0.1 to 150 µm (bacteria, cells, parasites, etc.); Analyzer cytometer (LSR Fortessa) with 4 lasers and 12 fluorescences.

Contact : yves.levern@inrae.fr

Location : Nouzilly

Website : https://www6.val-de-loire.inrae.fr/infectiologie-santepublique/Plateau-technique-Plateformes/Imagerie-et-infectiologie

Copyright Alix Sausset

PFME Ibisa

IBiSA Electron Microscopy Platform of Tours University. The Microscopy Department is a technical platform pooling microscopic imaging devices and skills to provide services to teams from Tours University, but also to large organizations outside the University and to the private industrial sector. This department is associated with several federative structures: PST Analysis of Biological Systems, Group of Scientific and Technical Means of Tours (GMSTT), FED 4225 (former IFR 136) and FED 4226 (former IFR 135). the platform is a member of the Network of Common Microscopy Centers (RCCM).

The platform was IBiSA labeled (Infrastructures in Biology, Health and Agronomy) in 2015.

All areas of microscopic exploration are covered: TEM analysis of cells and tissues and electron immunomicroscopy; TEM and SEM analysis of particles (bacteria, viruses, DNA, liposomes, macromolecules); Surface condition, elemental analysis and spectral mapping by SEM and EDS probe; 3D reconstruction from serial sections in MET; Localization of labeled cellular elements (viral proteins, signaling factors, etc.) by confocal laser scanning microscopy; 3D reconstruction of volumes and quantification of the colocalization of markers from confocal microscopy acquisitions; Time-lapse confocal acquisitions on living cells.

Equipment : transmission EM, scanning electron microscope, Confocal EM. JEOL JEM-1400 Plus Transmission Electronic Microscope (120 kV); JEOL JEM-1011 Transmission Electronic Microscope (100 kV); Zeiss ULTRA Plus Scanning Field Effect Electronic Microscope; High Resolution Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope.

Location : Tours

Contact : philippe.roingeard@univ-tours.fr

Website : https://microscopies.med.univ-tours.fr/



Multidisciplinary technological platform of the GEIST research institute from Limoges University, bringing together the major families of technologies for the life sciences and allowing, within a single structure, the study of whole organisms, tissues, cells and molecules. BISCEm is organized into 3 activity poles which contribute to the advancement of the research programs of user teams with the following main research themes: infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, parasites), immunity, transplantation, cancer, neurosciences, and natural resources.

The cell and tissue analysis division of the platform combines the histology platforms (preparation of blocks, section, staining, immunological labeling, scan of slides), fluorescence micro- and macroscopy (full field or confocal, fixed or living material, analysis image) and flow cytometry (flow cytometry and imaging, cell sorting). The pole works in close collaboration with the pathology service of Limoges University Hospital Center and with CARMALIM and PLATINOM, 2 other platforms of the University which have complementary and / or, for some, innovative imaging tools for the life sciences. The cluster has set up training in imaging, with CARMALIM and PLATINOM.

Equipment : BISCEm has more than 80 equipment for basic care and the performance of experiments in respect of animal welfare, and more than 30 semi-heavy and heavy equipment and dedicated software for cell, tissue and molecular analyzes . The equipment is spread over nearly 1,300 m2 of dedicated premises on the Limoges university hospital campus. Other equipment is accessible via the 5 partner platforms and the site's research teams.

Location : Limoges

Contact : contact.biscem@unilim.fr

Website : https://www.unilim.fr/recherche/biscem/