Animal models

Animal models

In-vivo and ex-vivo models.


The PIXANIM platform (Phenotyping by In / eX vivo Imaging from Animal to Molecule) is an experimental and analytical platform. PIXANIM enables animal phenotyping and functional exploration, from the whole animal to the molecule. PIXANIM is ISO 9001 certified, IBISA labeled and member of the Institut Carnot France Futur Elevage. Animal accommodation and interventional physiology: the platform offers premises suitable for long-term accommodation for a wide range of animal models and interventional physiology for medical and veterinary studies. In / ex-vivo imaging.

Equipment : Three standard hospital operating theaters. Long-term sheep / pig accommodation rooms.

Location : Nouzilly

Contact :,

Website and social network :


Imaging and infectiology laboratory. Using imaging technologies, IMI contributes to the development of animal models of infectious diseases. Infectiology. Zoonoses. One Health. Whole animal cell imaging. 

Small animal imaging: analysis of fluorescence and bioluminescence in vivo on anesthetized animal, ex vivo on organs, in vitro on cells (kinetics of cellular cooperation); experimental protocols for mice, poultry, which may involve class 2 or 3 pathogens; on-demand development of methodological tools and study models.

Equipment : IVIS SpectrumTM 2D et 3D Optical Tomography System (PerkinElmer). Containment L2, L3, A2, A3.

Contact :

Location : Nouzilly

Website :


The Experimental Infectious Disease Platform or PFIE is a reference in France but also at European level, in the management of infections in biological containment level A1, A2 and A3 on most livestock, laboratory, leisure and wildlife ... The PFIE is one of INRAE's largest confined environment experimental units. The PFIE is labeled “Collective Scientific Infrastructure (ISC)” by INRAE. She is also a member of the Carnot Institute “France Futur Elevage (F2E)”. Since 2018, the PFIE has been integrated into the national distributed infrastructure EMERG'IN (association of different institutes: ANSES, CIRAD and INRAE), to manage at the national level health crisis situations linked to emerging veterinary diseases and in particular zoonotic diseases.

Development of infectious animal models for animals or humans, as well as for biomedical approaches. Studies in a confined environment (A2, A3, isolators) with level 1 to 3 pathogens, both on target species and model species, i.e. on most production animals (cattle, sheep, goats , porcine, poultry, equine ...) and laboratory (mouse, rat, rabbit) as well as certain species from wild fauna.

2 main missions: carrying out experimental protocols in A1, A2 and A3 confined buildings, in isolators, in conventional buildings and in meadows, on all the species mentioned (in-vivo exploration); the production (breeding) and / or supply of animals and animal by-products (e.g. eggs, serums, etc.): of defined genetic status (breeds, lines), of known health status: EOPS animals (Free of 'Specific Pathogenic Organisms, with SSC (Controlled Health Status), axenic or gnotoxenic and of appropriate physiological status (pregnant animals for example).

Equipment : biocontained buildings A1, A2 and A3, insulators, conventional buildings and meadows. An A2 / A3 biocontained imaging platform. An anesthesia and surgery platform (CIMAC) and a veterinary hematological and biochemical analysis platform.

Location : Nouzilly

Contact :

Website :


The "3IMo / Infectiology and Innate Immunity in Monogastrics" research team. Avian and porcine cell lines and tissue culture models (including sections of lung tissue). In vitro infection studies with level 2/3 viral pathogens (excluding airborne zoonotic viruses).

Equipment :biocontained laboratories (L2 / L3)

Location : Nouzilly

Contact :


ISP-SPVB (Signaling, Carrying and Bacterial Virulence)

Activity of molecules on bacterial growth and survival; Activity of molecules or bacteria (commensal or pathogenic) on cell lines: Measurement of cell viability; impact on the adhesion, entry and intracellular fate of bacteria (eg: gentamicin survival test, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry); Activity of molecules or bacteria on murine or chicken intestinal organoids (developing); Activity of molecules, bacteria or phages on the virulence or persistence of Salmonella in vivo in mice (gastroenteritis model, lethal systemic infection and asymptomatic carriage) and chickens (carriage model); Activity of molecules, bacteria or phages on the intestinal microbiota (mouse and avian model); Kinetic analysis in vivo (by imaging) and ex vivo (by flow cytometry) of Salmonella colonization and monitoring of the expression of bacterial genes in bioluminescence or fluorescence; Construction and characterization of libraries of metabarcoded TnSeq mutants. High throughput screening and associated bioinformatic analyzes to study the role of Salmonella genes.

Location : Nouzilly

Website :


The C-Lim platform is a platform supported by the Résinfit team (UMR1092, Limoges), dedicated to the study of the antiviral capacities of molecules or physicochemical processes. The evaluations of antiviral molecules are carried out in cell culture or ex vivo on models of placental explants in histoculture using fluorescent virus or finally in vivo on SCID mice humanized by an explant of human placental tissue. Models of ophthalmologic infections from cornea / iris histocultures are also possible.

Location : Limoges

Website :

BISCEm (Biologie Intégrative Santé Chimie Environnement)

Multidisciplinary technological platform of the GEIST research institute from Limoges University, bringing together the major families of technologies for the life sciences and allowing, within a single structure, the study of whole organisms, tissues, cells and molecules. BISCEm is organized into 3 activity poles which contribute to the advancement of the research programs of user teams with the following main research themes: infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, parasites), immunity, transplantation, cancer, neurosciences, and natural resources.

The animal models division guarantees the use of animals in accordance with animal welfare, ethics and regulations. The center manages a rodent animal facility (mice, rats, guinea pigs), provides accommodation and basic care, monitors farms, and has surgical and imaging equipment. The regulatory structure in charge of animal welfare (SBEA) monitors project authorizations and skills, distributes drugs and advises users on the design of their experimental programs and monitoring of animal welfare in experience course. The cluster offers designer and applicator regulatory training, and continuing training on animal welfare, ethics and the 3R rule, in partnership with the PREBIOS platform.

Equipment : BISCEm has more than 80 equipment for basic care and the performance of experiments in respect of animal welfare, and more than 30 semi-heavy and heavy equipment and dedicated software for cell, tissue and molecular analyzes . The equipment is spread over nearly 1,300 m2 of dedicated premises on the Limoges university hospital campus. Other equipment is accessible via the 5 partner platforms and the site's research teams.

Location : Limoges

Contact :

Website :

INRAE BioMAP research Team

The "Anti-Parasitic BioMedicines" research team analyses the inhibitory effect of synthetic molecules or the protective effect of vaccines against the protozoan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum and the Sars-Cov-2 virus. The models put in place are acute and ocular toxoplasmosis in mice, chronic and congenital toxoplasmosis in mice and sheep, congenital neosporosis in mice and sheep, covid-19 in mice and hamsters. The parameters measured are the parasite load in different organs, the humoral and cellular immune responses.

Expertise in specific antibodies titration (serum, nasal / bronchoalveolar / intestinal / vaginal washes), specific antibody neutralisation tests, cytokine / chemokine assay, expression of cell surface and intracellular markers, parasite load.

Equipment: all the necessary equipment for cell culture (incubators, microbiological safety station, etc.) and molecular analyses (tissue dissociator, flow cytometer, elispot, spectrophotometer, cryotome, thermocycler for PCR and qPCR, etc.).

Location: Tours

Contacts : ; 


Modification date: 31 July 2023 | Publication date: 25 May 2021 | By: Morgane Delavergne