Researcher in quantitative epidemiology

Researcher in quantitative epidemiology (France)

Cirad in Montpellier

Science - Health sciences


Job title
Researcher in quantitative epidemiology

Begining date

Job description
CIRAD is recruiting a researcher specialised in quantitative epidemiology at the Animal, Health, Land Use, Risks and Ecosystems (ASTRE) Joint Research Unit (UMR) to develop epidemiological monitoring and research activities on animal diseases with a high economic impact (tick-borne diseases such as Theileriosis, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Foot and Mouth Disease, Brucellosis, etc.) and on priority zoonotic diseases at the human/livestock/wildlife interface in developing countries.

These activities will initially be carried out in partnership with the University of Zimbabwe in Harare, Zimbabwe, in a structured and dynamic research environment with substantial current funding (EU-Desira LIPS project, AFD PACMAN project, ANR Victoria, EU COHESA project) and future funding ("Preacts", AFD Zimbabwe project under the Prezode initiative) and with state-of-the-art infrastructures with the Biotechnology platform, a multidisciplinary scientific team (veterinarians, ecologists, virologists, etc.), historical research fields and a major health database. You will also join the SHSEE (Human and Social Sciences, Epidemiology and Ecology) team within the ASTRE unit. You will be also required to carry out assignments in the sub-region and in Madagascar with possible medium/long term postings abroad to other areas where the ASTRE unit is working(West Africa, Madagascar, South East Asia).

Your assignments will include:
1/ Designing and conducting research on the factors influencing emergence to confirm priority health issues and improve the monitoring and control of diseases:
ü Improved understanding of the factors influencing the diffusion and persistence of animal and zoonotic diseases. Priority will be given to analysing the risks associated with the circulation of the diseases mentioned above.
ü Identification of health risks linked to the interface between wildlife, domestic animals and humans.

2/ Coordinating and setting up ambitious local (Zimbabwe) and regional projects and carrying out activities under these projects.

3/ Contributing to teaching and training in quantitative epidemiology for CIRAD partners and supervising Masters and PhD students.

4/ Applying the results and communicating through publications and exchanges with scientific and field partners.

5/ Contributing to the scientific coordination of the team in Zimbabwe with responsibility in the short/medium term for this coordination and for ensuring the appropriate expert knowledge on site, including the epidemiological aspects. Participating in coordinating the research and teaching partnership (DP-PCP, Production and Conservation in partnership).

You will receive 13 months of annual salary and, if you are geographically mobile, special allowances depending on your location and family composition.

Desired profiled
PhD in epidemiology (8 years of higher education), with initial university education (Master's degree or equivalent) or medical education (PhD in veterinary science)
Proven expert knowledge of quantitative epidemiology (analytical epidemiology, epidemiological modelling) and risk analysis for improving systems for monitoring animal health and public veterinary health
At least 5 years of post-doctoral professional experience
Experience abroad would be an advantage, especially in Africa
Experience in setting up and coordinating projects
Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary work
Written and spoken English is essential

Position constraints
After a 1-month induction period at Cirad in Montpellier, you will be posted to Harare in Zimbabwe.

Work in tropical/humid/subtropical areas
Work in isolated and/or confined environments
Work at a computer screen for more than 4 hours a day

Socio-professional category

France base salary, excluding expatriation allowances if applicable
37-55 K€

Job location

Après une période d'intégration de 1 mois sur le site de Montpellier, vous serez affecté.e à Harare, au Zimbabwe.

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