Postdoctoral position “Antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture and the environment »

Postdoctoral position “Antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture and the environment » (France)

UMR 1300 BioEpAR Biologie, Epidémiologie et Analyse de Risque, INRA – Oniris Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation, Nantes-Atlantique. Nantes, France

Duration : 18 months
Start date : 1st September 2023
Job type: Appointment at 35h50/ week or 38h40/week
Gross salary: Ranging from 2400 to 2800 euros/month depending on experience of the candidate
Category (French system) : IR (Ingenieur de recherche)
Scientific discipline: Biological Sciences
International candidates will find useful information about work and life in France in this link: 

You will be part of the HOLISTIC project "Health risks from water: understanding antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture" summarized below.
According to the world health and food agencies (WHO, FAO, OIE) antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global challenge that requires a "One Health" approach. Aquaculture is considered as a "hotspot" of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In Europe, experts have highlighted the lack of knowledge on AMR in aquaculture. The objective of this project is to describe the dynamics of AMR in 2 aquaculture systems (flow-through and recirculated) in order to control this health risk, which can be carried by water and fish. The working hypotheses are that the risks of presence, persistence and dissemination of AMR are strongly influenced by the microbiological quality of the water, and therefore vary between systems. Four fish farms will be recruited, two in recirculated systems and two in flowthrough systems, and for each system, one farm located upstream and the other downstream of a wastewater treatment plant. Using a holistic approach, we will sample all compartments (water,
sediment, fish, biofilms, feed) of these farms at key times in the rainbow trout production cycle. A combination of cultural and molecular methods will be used to characterize AMR. Indicators of AMR monitored will be fecal bacteria, aquatic bacteria, and clinically important AMR genes. The results will contribute to the risk analysis of the spread of AMR in the aquatic environment and transmission to humans and to the identification of critical points for the control of AMR. This will also allow aquaculture to develop the recirculated system, considered more sustainable.

The selected candidate will:

  • Lead the field work in four commercial fish farms in France (systematic collection of water, sediment, fish feces, biofilm and feed samples, with four to six sampling events per farm)
  • Perform laboratory work (bacteriology) with assistance from our technician (isolation and identification of Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus and E. coli, antimicrobial susceptibility testing with the broth microdilution method)
  • Enter data manually and manage databases
  • Calculate cut-off values with software ECOFFINDER, if needed
  • Perform statistical analyses to identify variables that explain the presence of AMR in fish farms (GLMMs are envisioned)
  • Write the resulting scientific publications, with assistance of the PI
  • Supervise at least one Master student, and present results at national and international conferences


  • PhD in a related discipline (Biological, Environmental or Agricultural Sciences), with an interest for microbial risks at the interface of animals, humans and the environment.
  • Strong publication record, preferably with publications in international journals in the fields of Microbiology or Veterinary Sciences.
  • Field work experience in farms or other food-producing environments.
  • Microbiology Laboratory work experience.
  • Skills in statistical analyses.
  • Good communication skills in English (oral and written).
  • For non-French speaking candidates: interest in acquiring basic French oral communication skills during the first months of appointment

Other preferred skills:

  • Knowledge and/or field work experience in aquaculture and aquatic environments.
  • Strong organizational skills relating to logistics of planning field work.
  • Experience in a bacteriology laboratory, and in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing in particular.
  • Experience in the use of Generalized Linear Mixed Models with R Software.
  • Good oral communication skills in French.

Funding source :
The HOLISTIC project (Health risks from water : understanding Antimicrobial Resistance in
Aquaculture) is financed by the program “Etoiles Montantes” of the Région Pays de la Loire.

Please send your CV and a cover letter describing your fit to this position (2 pages maximum) to Nora Navarro-Gonzalez ( and Ségolène Calvez (
Applications will be reviewed immediately with the intent of filling this position for a September 2023 start date.
The application deadline is March 31st 2023.